• 購物達人
    發表於 2013-09-06
  • The taste is of course different from what we usually expect. Sliced chicken meat is cooked with mushroom and green pepper in small amount of sauce. It is a tasty Arabic stuff.

    There are many combinations in the menu, including soup, salad or drink, white rice or yellow rice or naan or French Fries. Of course, you may order extra items from the menu.
    This is Fried Chicken Mushroom and Yellow Rice.
    Yellow rice is not in good quality, it should be the remnant of yesterday i guess, sorry.
    This is Lamb with spice.

    It is not too strong in the special smell of lamb. Lamb lover should love it.

    Tomato soup and Bean soup are both concentrated in flavour and good in taste. But I like bean soup more. Bean content is high and is not commonly available.

    Overlook Hennessy Road and Southorn Playground
    • 水烟
    • 南瓜粥
    • 蔬菜沙拉
    • 水烟

    • 南瓜粥

    • 蔬菜沙拉

      • 水烟
      • 南瓜粥
      • 蔬菜沙拉
  • 標簽:美食
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